Our Team

Stephanie Anglin


My message is simple: I believe that kindness and compassion are the core of nursing, and I treat my patients as I would want my family to be treated. I am excited to be on this journey with Pinnacle Pharmacy!

Q&A with Stephanie

What motivated you become a nurse?

I always loved being the “mother type” among my friend groups – it just seemed fitting to pursue a career doing just that!

What are some of your proudest moments in healthcare?

Creating long-lasting relationships with people, and working closely with physicians to treat my patients' medical conditions.

What qualities do you bring to your role at Pinnacle?

I have a strong ability to talk to anyone, and to form trusting relationships. As my school teachers always said, “Stephanie is smart, but often finds herself talking too much.” – which has been a great quality in my nursing career.

What values influence your work?

I try to treat every person the same way I would like to be treated if the roles were reversed. It doesn't matter what challenges in life a person has, they should still be treated with kindness and respect.

What challenges do you face as a nurse? How do you overcome them?

Some of biggest challenges have been overcoming the "red tape" in the medical system. A lot of times people have been denied the care they need simply because they aren't "sick enough." I have tried to overcome that by going to bat for my patients. I will call, write letters, and be an advocate until I get the answers my patients need.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

Outside of work you'll find me at home with my husband and our daughters – or throwing balls at people on the dodgeball court!

What do you find most rewarding about nursing?

I love seeing people everyday and making a difference in their life.

What is your educational and professional background?

My educational background is actually a little complicated. I started my nursing career in 2011 at CNC in Prince George with the intent to graduate in 2012. However, late in the year I was diagnosed with kidney cancer and subsequently lost my left kidney. I thought I could finish the year, but going through a massive life change made that too difficult.

So, in 2013 I went back and intended to finish my diploma at VIU in Nanaimo where my family just moved. I graduated in 2014, and haven't looked back.

I've spent the last 8 years at the Family Practice Clinic where I've learned a lot about general practice nursing. I've been extremely fortunate enough to grow into my career under the guidance of some amazing physicians.

And as hard as going through cancer, and doing a couple extra years of school was, I find it helps my perspective as I get it. I've been on the other side of nursing, and I've spent my career trying to become the nurse I would want taking care of my family members.

What message do you hope readers will take away from your bio?

I'd hope they'd know the number one thing above all else in nursing is kindness and compassion. And I treat my patients like I'd want my family treated – simple as that.

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