Our Team

Karina Zambon


I am very excited to be working with Pinnacle Pharmacy and their lovely team of nurses and pharmacists! I look forward to continuing to build relationships with the community of patients I work with.

Q&A with Karina

What motivated you to become a nurse?

I’ve been an LPN since 2006, and have always wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember. I am passionate about helping people live their best life and to their highest potential.

What are some of your proudest moments in health care?

I am proud to have worked in many different health care settings, including acute, long-term, respiratory, community care, nursing management, and now pharmacy! My proudest moments are those when I have made a difference in my patient’s lives. Either by helping them gain independence, recover from an injury or illness, or die with dignity.

What qualities do you bring to your role at Pinnacle?

Along with many years of experience I also bring an understanding that there is always room to learn and grow. I have a passion to always do my best and maintain a positive mindset going into any situation.

What values influence your work?

Accept others for their differences and educate myself rather than form opinions. I believe in the strength of approaching healing holistically, and considering the mind, body, and soul.

What challenges do you face as a nurse? How do you overcome them?

Challenges arise often and unexpectedly in health care, the important thing is to stay calm and think rationally. I have experienced many challenges, from aggressive patients to angry family to frustration between staff members. It is important to understand all sides and diffuse the situation safely and effectively.

Personal challenges also arise, from time management to learning new policies and procedures or dealing with personal problems and emotions at work. Knowing when you need to take a step back is very important!

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

As a mother of five beautiful daughters and a wife to a pretty awesome husband, my home life is fairly busy. I spend my days off taking my kids to appointments, running around, or just hanging out with my family In the summer we enjoy going to the lake, paddle boarding, and swimming. My kids like to go to the BMX track, my oldest is in university taking the EA program, and my 13-year old is a typical rebellious teen!

The winter is all about hockey, as my 10-year old is a goalie and plays a few times a week. Spring is soccer season for my 10 and 12-year old. And of course we all absolutely love spending time playing with my baby who is just over a year old and the sweetest little thing.

What do you find most rewarding about being a nurse?

Helping people maintain independence in their own home and making someone feel special or cared for in their time of need. If I can make someone smile or laugh in a day, or even feel a little better, I feel like I’ve succeeded that day.

What is your educational and professional background?

I completed the LPN program at VIU in 2006. I initially worked mostly acute care at NRGH along with casual work in care homes. I then moved onto VitalAire, specializing in CPAP therapy with a focus on the respiratory system. During COVID I was laid off, and took some time off to be home with my kids. I then got a job as a clinical care supervisor with CBI Health and fell in love with community health care. Unfortunately, CBI Health is closing its doors (resulting in many losing employment), but I knew I wanted to remain in home care and was grateful to find Pinnacle.

In the home care setting I love that I can really get to know my patients, and follow them long-term. When you see the same people daily you have the opportunity to really make a difference in their lives.

What message do you hope readers will take away from your bio?

The message I hope to relay is that I am compassionate and kind and really am passionate about helping others and helping people live their best lives how they want to live it.

I will advocate for my patients as much as I possibly can to make sure their wishes are being met. I truly believe in holistic health care. Healing involves more that just fixing one medical condition, it involves healing the mind, body, and soul.

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